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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

W9A1 - Book Trailers - I didn't know book trailers existed, like many people, apparently, so I googled "book trailers" to see what comes up.  I found that there are an extensive amount of homemade trailers that are horrible, low-budget, lengthy, lame clips.  On the other hand, many good ones are out there that have been produced by the popular publishing companies, such as Knopf, and Harper Collins, etc.  After watching a few of these, I could see where good book trailers would make someone want to read the book (despite the discouraging article we just read). One good point in the article is that many readers may not know about them, and the good ones aren't really publicized. You have to know that they're out there, and where to go to find them - unless you frequent publishing sites, which general readers wouldn't do too often.  The first things that pop up on a google search will be all the crappy homemade $5 book trailers, not the ones that are actually produced with a real budget.  I'm not sure if I would use them for readers' advisory, only because I'd have to google to see if one exists for that particular movie, and you really can't turn the volume up in the library, then they're only like a 30 seconds long...  Naa.  I may tell them that book trailers exist, and to check them out on their own time... maybe.

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